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A Garage Floor Coating Transforms Your Garage Into A Welcoming Place To Work On Your Hobbies

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If you finally got around to clearing the clutter from your garage only to find the floor is filthy with stains, you might wonder if there's a way to cover or clean the floor so you can use your garage for exercise or other activities and not have to look at an ugly space. One option is to have a coating put on the floor. A garage floor coating could be a better choice than vinyl flooring or rubber mats since you can still park your car on a coating.

There are a few types of garage floor coatings to consider. Epoxy is one of those and a popular option. A garage floor coating contractor can help you choose the best coating for your purposes. Here are things to know about an epoxy garage floor coating.

A Coating Is Different From Paint

It may seem like epoxy is similar to paint, but it is different since it's a coating that bonds with the concrete as it cures due to a chemical reaction. That makes it much more durable than paint.

The coating should last a long time and be strong enough to tolerate heavy wear and tear. The coating is waterproof, and epoxy makes it easier to keep the floor clean since the coating prevents the concrete from soaking up stains.

Epoxy Garage Floor Coatings Are Attractive

Any epoxy coating is more attractive than an ugly concrete floor, but you can take the appearance of your garage floor to new heights if you choose a metallic or chipped coating. Epoxy coatings can be plain or they can have chips of color added to them. This gives you the chance to create a beautiful floor that makes it fun to spend time in your garage.

Preparation Of The Concrete Is Essential

You'll probably want a garage floor coating contractor to install the epoxy coating because prepping the concrete is a lot of work and it has to be done right so the epoxy bonds well. Preparations not only include cleaning the floor but grinding the surface of the concrete is necessary too or the coating might chip as time goes on.

Caring For The Floor Keeps The Coating Shiny

Your new epoxy floor looks bright and shiny when it's first installed. You can maintain the luster through regular cleaning. An epoxy garage floor coating doesn't need a lot of care, but it should be swept to keep grit off of it and cleaned when you spill something. You may also want to mop and rinse the floor with plain water occasionally to remove residue that dulls the gloss.

For more information on garage floor coating, contact a company near you.
