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Having A New Cement Driveway Installed? Benefits Of Using Specialty Concrete

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If you are having a new cement concrete driveway installed, there are many things you can do to help keep it in condition. This will help the driveway last much longer for you. One thing you can do is use specialty concrete. Below is information on what this is, as well as benefits this offers you.

Specialty Concrete

Specialty concrete is a special type of concrete that has been designed according to what it is being used for. There are different types of specialty concrete a contractor can choose from. There is abrasion resistant concrete, concrete that prevents corrosion, micro silica concrete, underwater concrete, and specialty concrete that reduces shrinkage. 

What the contractor chooses to use will depend on many factors. For example, this will depend on how often your driveway is being used, where you live, and much more. For example, you may live in an area that gets a lot of rain or an area that gets a lot of snow. 

Benefits of Choosing Specialty Concrete

The main benefit of this concrete is it will make your driveway much more durable. Because the type chosen will depend on where you live, this reduces the chances of damage, such as cracks or other deterioration.

If you live in an area that gets a lot of rain and snow, a specialty concrete can be used to reduce shrinking. Concrete is porous, so when it snows and then melts, this water can get down into the concrete. When this water freezes again, it can cause cracks and shrinking in the concrete. This process will happen over and over throughout the winter season. To prevent this from happening, the contractor can use concrete that reduces shrinkage or concrete that is self-compacting. 

Specialty concrete can also save you money. One, you will not have to worry about making repairs and the maintenance costs are much lower. Because specialty concrete is much more durable, you will not have to worry about taking care of cracks as often. Regular concrete requires regular maintenance to keep it in good condition. You also do not have to worry about putting a sealant on the driveway.

The only thing you should do with a driveway made of specialty concrete is clean it when it becomes very dirty. This can be done using a pressure washer or you can do this by hand. 

Talk with the contractor you hire to learn much more about specialty concrete and the type they will use for your driveway. A business like Decorative Concrete Designs has more information.
