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Exploring The Pros And Cons Of Ready Mix Concrete

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If you are planning to hire a concrete contractor to pave your driveway, install a concrete patio, or any other concrete-based home improvement project, you will likely find that you have two main options for completing this task. The first option is to utilize ready-mix concrete. The second option is to have the concrete mixed on-site. While both options have advantages and disadvantages that must be considered, many people ultimately find that the option of using ready-mix concrete is the better option. Taking a moment to explore the pros and cons of this option can help you to determine whether or not it is the best choice for you as well.

The Pros Of Using Ready Mix Concrete

  • Speed - Since ready mix concrete arrives on site ready to be used, choosing this option will significantly cut down on the amount of time it takes to get the job done. Not only will this allow you to begin using your new concrete features sooner, but it can also allow you to save on labor costs.
  • Cost - The overall cost of completing any home improvement or maintenance project is very important to most homeowners. That is why the much lower cost associated with ready mix concrete is often considered one of its most impressive benefits. 
  • Uniform Quality - Since ready mix concrete is mixed at a plant using a very specific combination of ingredients, you can be sure that each batch of concrete will be uniform in quality. This is especially important when taking on large jobs which will require multiple loads of concrete. 

The Cons Of Using Ready Mix Concrete

  • Time Restrictions - Once the concrete has been mixed, you will have a limited amount of time to transport and pour this concrete before it will begin to set. Since ready-mix concrete arrives ready to be used, this time restriction can prove problematic for job sites that are located in remote areas. However, for those located in more populous areas, this is typically not a problem.
  • Requires Large Trucks - Ready-mix concrete is transported in large mixing trucks in order to allow for it to remain in ready-to-use condition. Due to their large size and weight, these trucks may not be able to access all locations. Consequently, it is important to ensure that there are height clearance or weight restrictions on local roads or bridges that would prevent these trucks from accessing your location. You will also need to ensure that there is enough space for the truck to access the job site once it arrives. However, many find that this is not a hindrance for them.

For more information, contact a company like Mershon Concrete.
