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Stamped Concrete Is A Good Choice In Flooring When You Renovate Your Basement

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If you're finishing your basement and you're trying to decide on the right flooring, consider decorative concrete. Talk to a residential concrete contractor about stamping a design in your floor that makes the floor look like it's made from tiles or wood planks.

This way, you can have a beautiful floor with no worry about ruining the floor in case your basement leaks and the floor gets wet. Here's why stamped concrete could be the ideal floor for your basement renovation and an overview of how it's done.

Why Stamped Concrete Is Perfect For A Basement

Concrete is perfect flooring for a basement since concrete is durable, and it won't be ruined by water. A basement has the potential to get flooded after a heavy rain or if the water heater leaks out. It's one of the more vulnerable rooms in your home, and many types of flooring can be ruined due to flooding or moisture vapor that wafts up through the ground.

Plus, concrete is good flooring for an activity room where you might have a pool table or a hobby room where you might get the room dirty or dusty. Stamped concrete is easy to keep clean and sanitary, so it's friendly on your allergies too.

Another reason stamped concrete is an excellent flooring choice for your basement is the wide range of choices you have for the appearance of your floor. You might want the floor to look like it's made of stone tiles and have square shapes stamped on the floor.

You can also make the concrete look like it's actually wood planks. Plank shapes are stamped in the concrete and then textured to look like real wood. The floor is also colored, and it can have colors blended, so the floor can match the real wood planks in your living area.

How A Basement Floor Is Stamped

Shapes have to be stamped into wet concrete, so the residential concrete contractor has to pour an overlay on your old concrete floor. The overlay doesn't need to be thick, but it has to be thick enough so designs can be stamped in it. The work has to move along fairly fast since concrete gets stiffer the longer it rests on the floor, and at some point, it will get too hard to stamp.

Once the design has been stamped and color has been added, your old and ugly concrete floor will look totally different and be an attractive addition to your basement renovation. Stamped concrete flooring can impart a casual or glamorous look to your home, so it is suitable for any kind of use you intend for your basement. Look into residential concrete contractors near you for more information.
