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Concrete Foundation Repair Considerations

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As a homeowner with a concrete foundation on your property, it's important to keep it in the best possible condition. Concrete foundations are prone to damage from all sorts of things, including not just weather hazards but also soil erosion and similar issues. It's important to address concrete damage and seek repairs as soon as possible to prevent them from worsening. Here's a look at some of the things that you need to know about damaged concrete and the repairs it might need.

Holes In Concrete Foundation Structure

When you have a hole in the exterior surface of a foundation wall, it's important that you address it right away. Holes can weaken the structural integrity of concrete, making it more vulnerable to failure. If you see a hole in your concrete, Prioritizing the repair can help you prevent serious structural deterioration that may prove costly over time. Clear out the hole, brushing away any debris. Then, fill the hole with a concrete filler product to reinforce the structure.

Sinking Concrete Foundations

Concrete foundations are only as stable as the soil beneath them. This often means that weak or eroding soil may cause a concrete foundation to sink or shift. Sometimes that instability also results in cracks and structural integrity issues. With the right residential concrete repair technician, you can implement a structural support and repair system to account for soil instability, including piers and other support components.

Cracks And Surface Wear

Concrete patios and structures can often develop surface cracks and weathering that can gradually progress and worsen. If you are seeing any surface wear, including chipping, crumbling, or shallow cracks, you should talk with a concrete repair technician. They can help you with the recommended resolution, including patching the damage or covering the entire outer surface of the accessible foundation with a concrete resurfacing slurry.

Staining And Discoloration

Concrete is porous, which makes it vulnerable to stains and discoloration. If your concrete foundation is stained, pressure washing can help when used with a quality detergent. However, you may need to talk with a concrete repair technician about how to restore the surface. Sometimes, professional stain removal is sufficient, but your concrete may need to be resurfaced and sealed to protect it.

These are just a few of the many things to consider when you are protecting the integrity of your concrete foundation. There are options to repair it and keep your concrete foundation looking its best, functional, and structurally sound for years to come.

Contact a concrete foundation contractor to learn more.
