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DIY Concrete Repair Mistakes That Will Definitely Cost You

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If you're a homeowner, chances are that you've had to repair or replace some of the concrete sections in your home. Maybe there's a cracked patio, a crumbling driveway, or a settling sidewalk.

You may be tempted to tackle the job yourself, but people make several common mistakes when attempting DIY concrete repair jobs. Read on to discover what these mistakes are so that you can avoid them in your own DIY repair project.

Miscalculating the Amount of Material Needed for the Job

When tackling a concrete repair job, it is essential that you have enough materials on hand to get the job done properly. This means making sure that you have enough bags of cement, aggregate blend, water, and other materials needed for the job.

A solid concrete repair job requires precise measurements to ensure excellent results. For example, if the concrete blend is too wet, it can lead to cracking and other issues. The excess water creates air pockets that weaken the concrete. The same goes for a mixture that is too dry, as it can cause the concrete to shrink or crack as it dries.

You're usually better off if you overestimate rather than underestimate how much material will be needed so that you don't find yourself scrambling halfway through the project because you didn't purchase enough products.

Not Cleaning or Preparing the Surface Properly

Another mistake homeowners frequently make when attempting a DIY concrete repair job is not cleaning or preparing the surface properly before patching or repairing it. If dirt and debris are left on the surface of the area to be repaired, this can affect how well your patch adheres and also weaken its overall strength.

Remember that concrete is a porous material and can easily absorb dirt, debris, and other contaminants that are not cleaned away prior to the repair job. This will create weak spots in the concrete and potentially cause structural issues down the line.

To avoid this, make sure to clean the area thoroughly with a pressure washer or scrub brush and then allow it to dry completely before you begin your repair work. Make sure all debris is removed from both above and below the surface before you begin any work.

Concrete repair projects can seem intimidating at first glance, but with proper preparation and knowledge, they are very achievable tasks for any savvy homeowner who wants their home improvement projects done right without breaking their budget in terms of time and cost.

But things might not always be so smooth sailing if you're not sure what you're doing. So hire a professional if you feel that your skills are not up to par. Doing so should help save time, money, and more headaches in the long run.

For more info about concrete repair, contact a local company. 
